Radio broadcast from North Korea in German from the satellite Thaicom 5 at 78.5°E in C band .

thaicom 5 at 78.5 e korean central tv

Radio broadcast from North Koria in German from the satellite Thaicom 5 at 78.5°E in C band .

  • From : Christian M.
  • To : Roman Dávid /
  • Sent : Saturday, May 8, 2010 - 15:13
  • State : Germany
  • Subject : german program coming from north korea


  • TEXT questions :

Hello from Germany,

I'm very interested in receiving the Thaicom 78.5°E Satellite, because we  have a webportal where we put all the
german language foreign radioprograms  as podcasts together ( There should be also a german
program coming from north korea, that would be very interesting to listen to.  But I don't know if this one is on the
3504 H Transponder. There are 2 sub  audiochannels which may contain the program. Colleagues reported they've 
heared english and french shows. As we don't know at which time the german  programs are broadcasted
(if they are broadcasted), I'd like to ask you, if  there is a chance you could help us receiving this transponder for 24h
and  perhaps stream the 2 audiostreams to the web? If the german px isn't on the  air, an installation of a 2,50m dish
wouldn't make sense for us.

Thank you and best regards,

Christian M.

  • Photo annex to the response from the author nr.1 :

                                                                        Web archive of
                          Archived quality measurements in 28.10. 2005 with a diameter antenna 240 cm
                               Thaicom 5 at 78.5°E - Global footprint : 3 424 H KCTV_Korean Central TV
Thaicom 5 at 78.5 e _ global footprint in C band _3 425 H Korean Central TV_spectral analysisThaicom 5 at 78.5 e _ global footprint in C band _3 425 H Korean Central TV_Q analysisThaicom 5 at 78.5 e _ global footprint in C band _3 425 H Korean Central TV_NIT

  • Answer to question :

Dear Mr. Christian ,

I personally do not specialize in monitoring radio broadcasts but with confidence I have contacted my colleagues
who gave me specific information

original respons :
Because I am out of my workstation, I contacted my colleague who is a radio amateur, and he informed me that at night
many times heard the broadcast in German .German radio broadcasts from the station KCBS/Voice of Korea has thoroughly
mapped the German radio amateurs which are concentrated on the website .Which means that it is really
unnecessary to examine the radio broadcast from North Korea because the broadcast program structure has long been
known to all .

broadcasting in the German language can be tuned from : 3 505 H-Thaicom 5 satellite at 78.5°E  or short-wave

  • Photo annex to the response from the author nr.2 :

                                                                         Web archive of
                                 Archived quality measurements in 5.6.2009 with a diameter antenna 3.7 m
                                   Thaicom 5 at 78.5°E - Global footprint : 3 506 H KCTV_Korean Central TV
Thaicom 5 at 78.5 e _ global footprint in C band _3 505 H Korean Central TV_Q data_pids_nit 01Thaicom 5 at 78.5 e _ global footprint in C band _3 505 H Korean Central TV_Q data_pids_nit 02Thaicom 5 at 78.5 e _ global footprint in C band _3 505 H Korean Central TV_Q data_pids_nit 03

  • In the annex to this report you will find all necessary information about the German radio broadcasts over the Korean

stations from the author : Mr. Arnulf Piontek-Berlin _


  • the issue of broadcasting in German from North Korea in detail elaborated Mr. Arnulf Piontek-Berlin :

Als Beilage finden Sie den Sendeplan der Auslandsrundfunkstation Stimme Koreas, die täglich aus Pyongyang,
der Hauptstadt der DVRK, Programme in 9 Sprachen - darunter auch Deutsch - weltweit über Kurzwelle verbreitet.
Hier können Sie sich mit Hilfe eines Kurzwellenempfängers täglich über die neuesten Entwicklungen des Landes
informieren. Der Empfang unterliegt vielfältigen und ständig wechselnden Faktoren wie Jahreszeit, Tageszeit,
Zielgebiet, Sonnenfleckenanzahl und -zyklus usw....... >>>

                                                     download the whole document

  • Video annex to the response from the author :

Web archive of
    Archived  Video  in 17.3.2007 with a diameter antenna 240 cm
Thaicom 5 at 78.5°E - Global footprint : 3 506 H KCTV_Korean Central TV

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